I have purchased my toilet! It is an ez-Loo Air Waterless Toilet. I know that others just use a bucket with saw dust but I wanted something a little bit nicer. I also didn't have to pay for shipping. It doesn't use any power. They also include a 30 day money back guarantee but I don't know if it will get used in the next 30 days.
I like the idea of a composting toilet as opposed to a flushing toilet even if I wasn't planning on living in a tiny house built on a utility trailer. I lived in a cabin with a septic tank and it always smelled horrible in the bathroom. My last place had a "crappy" toilet that never seemed to flush properly. The reviews for this toilet state that with the fan, there is no smell. This toilet also means that I don't have to have a black-water tank.
More talk about toilets than you probably needed in your life.
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